Unless your parents were incredibly rich and you were a spoiled fucker of a child who only had friends due to having the best toys from being overcompensated by both parents for having split up you had precious little options when it came to summer holidays. For the gyppos and little bastards on a council estate it was either a government paid day out to reward you for burglary or it was a day out at the funfair.
Most of the poorer kids got a day out at folkestone but for us slightly richer poor kids it was a day out at Margate we all looked forward to practically every single fucking year. The general ritual leading up to such a day out would usually go "if you don't behave theres no trip to Margate this summer" followed by "if you don't behave theres no Margate next week" followed up by "if you fucking kids don't shut the fucking fuck up we aren't going to fucking Margate tomorrow" It was the poor parents equivalent of saying if you don't behave i'm turning the car round (if the train could be turned round no doubt that threat would have been issued as well).
Strangely enough no matter how much of a shit we had been (short of murder) we always got to margate (along with picnic coz lets face it food was fucking expensive at the park and it was an extra two pints worth saved for dad in the pub at half time). After the arguments of which of us got the window seat on the train and veiled threats through gritted teeth of turning round at any moment if we didn't fucking behave our first view of the majestic beauty of margate (yeah right) would have been of the train slowing its way past the funfair before coming into the station. (by which point no one was turning back coz dad had seen the mary rose).
You always know when you've reached your holiday destination a good two minutes before you even see it. The unmistakable aroma of sea air mixed with candyfloss and popcorn is always a dead giveaway. You only have to smell popcorn later in life and your mind is automatically back at the fair (you can almost feel those multiple clips round the ear hole that you were guaranteed to get throughout the day ahhhhh nostalgia).
If i had been here previously i would have known from the exit of the train station it was a short right turn down the road past the crappy shops with their bucket and spades hanging above the windows with small cheap fishing nets propped up at the door and big (from memory) inflatable boats that encouraged kids to get lost and drown at sea (health and safety suck my ball sack). Past the cheap looking greasy spoon cafes with the small windows to sell you ice cream from and the rows upon rows of stalls displaying Margate rock sausage egg and chips made from rock on a cheap paper plate and rock dummies designed to speed up the process of your adult teeth (coz you would be sensible with sugary sweets by the time they came through honest mom) it was a quick swing right again down the slope to where the entrance of Dreamland (this is the BS that dreams are made of) was.
But of course I hadn't been here before so i didn't know any of that previous shit and had yet to know that it was Bembom Brothers and not Dreamland so best to ignore that whole last paragraph altogether really.
With the exception of the big big wheel that was biggest big big wheel you had ever seen you had little idea of what lay beyond the entrance that had the words Bembom brothers posted above it. You also had no idea exactly what was payed for both admittance and journey there but assumed it was free since you hadn't had to dip into your pocket once since leaving the house carrying an old battered bucket and spade and a crappy cheap plastic fishing net (coz we aren't shelling out for ones at the seaside when we have some good useable ones here). After much masonic looking negotiations between dad and the slightly dodgy gyppo looking ticket office person we were ushered inside the entrance complete with big fucking carry bags filled with beach towels' sun cream' sandwiches warm bottle's of rola cola' shop brand cheese n onion crisps and penguin bars, and windbreak (A FUCKING WINDBREAK).
OOOOOHHHH MY FUCKING (clip round the ear) GOD. Its amazing there was a helicopter ride we saw on the train on the way up and WOW what's that? the mary rose that looked well fucking (clip round the ear) scary and the looping star holy shit (ouch) and good old dad him and his finite wisdom had got us here early so we could avoid all the tedious queuing and go on any ride we wanted as soon as we could actually find a fucking (slap) ride that was yet to be open what with it being to early for most of the staff yet (true story).
But fortunately there were a couple of rides with operators just waiting to be tried. The first was a faggy teacup ride (not a chance) and the second the helicopter ride type thingy we saw on the train going past the fair. That'll do that looks not too scary and not too wimpy. True we had yet to see it in operation but how bad could it be? its on the ground..... in you get.
So in i got :)
True story first time at Margate first ride ever and i fucking shit my pants something chronic. It looked so innocent not scary at all and to be fair it started out fine ON THE GROUND. And then something happened it started going up (well this is unexpected and not altogether appreciated)
To be fair (see what i did there) the rest o the day did go a lot smoother. I bravely avoided the Mary Rose fearlessly sidestepped the Looping Star and with no regards to my own personal safety didnt even so much as look at the Enterprise (the teacup rides were fun though). I did go on some o the big boy rides i didn't think it right to leave without having tried the scenic railway and i only shit myself a little when my bum came of the seat on one of the dips.
And so a couple of dozen rides later and a few goes on the side attractions such as the donkey derby and the RC boats not to mention the dalek ride which i did so pointless me saying not to mention it really we packed up at dinner time to get our hands stamped with an invisible dye i was sure would come off before we got back in and retired to the beach for soggy sandwiches and warm cola for dinner.
To Be continued
Dah Dah Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ♪
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